sexta-feira, 17 de junho de 2011

Cloudprint 0.4.2 is on the market

Hi all,
i'd like to anounce that Cloudprint 0.4.2 is on the market :)
here is the new stuff:

- fixed issue in Samsung galaxy devices
- added Spanish translation
- rewritten communication layer
- added advanced options for Gdocs and webpages

As usual, let me know for any issue..

I'm aware of the webpage issues and i'm are currently working on a solution, current idea is to some a webservice to convert webpages to pdf before printing, Joliprint seems the best candidate..

paulo f

6 comentários:

  1. On the description in the Android Market it says to email with any issues, but I didn't see an email address listed. What would be the best address to do that? Thanks for your help!

  2. hi Callie,
    interesting... it seems our email does not appear in the market webpage but it does appear in the market app on the phone... strange.. anyway email is cloudprintandroid at gmail

  3. I have not been able to print to the printers at work (which happen to be on a network). Is there a solution to this? I have also downloaded XPS Viewer to my Windows XP PC...any suggestions?

  4. Amigo estou com problema para utilizar no galaxy tab, já baixei o chrome no meu pc , já fiz tudo passo a passo mais quando temto mandar a impressão do tab não consigo visualizar a impressora

  5. Olá Paulo!

    Queria entrar em contacto consigo mas não consigo encontrar o seu email.
    Ainda é estudante? Se estiver interessando talvez tenha uma oportunidade de trabalho em mobile para si.
